I Can't Decide

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Huhu. I phreaking can't decide onto which job shoul'd I get. I have two pending applications (actually I have alot ofpending applications but these two are my top choices), one is a technical representative at Convergys 1 and the other is a technical writer post at EMCI both are located in Makati.

I like the two jobs. I have considered the pros and cos of both, but I still can't decide which application to pursue.

The people at Convergys treated me very well, they have a really nice professional atmosphere, and even the guards speaks English. The agents doesn't look like sooo-highschool-slash-sooo-college acting, like I said they seems to be very professional. The pay is good too. Although it has the perks of a young fresh grad like me had dreamt of, career growth is slim to none.

On the other hand, working as a technical writer, will probably enhance a skill or two of mine (Communication skills not included). I researched a bit regarding TW, and I found out that it is a collaborative work. Interviews and other "collaborative" things will be done by the writer. And for me I like doing that. The only thing is, the working environment doesn't seem to be very friendly. Although I wasn't treated bad, I wasn't treated good neither. The HR even forgot that I haven't finished my other exam, and I had to remind her.

Which one should I get???? Help!


Lalon said...
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Lalon said...

i say go with writing.. or rather go to where you can practice your profession and of course where you'll find enjoyment.

try reading this..

maybe that could help, just maybe.
